Mom says ProAct is daughter’s ‘everything’

Dear ProAct,
This is a lot of wonderful reaching out from a program and employees who are very missed.

  • My daughter, Dahni Jo Erickson, gets up every day and says, “Mama, ProAct (or school, or Owobopte) shut down.
  • Every night she says, “Mama, I go school (or ProAct or Owobopte) tomorrow?
  • All day she goes to the window and looks out and says, “Mama, bus is coming.”

This is so difficult, sad and challenging. Dahni is sick of Mama. (Funny, but seems like yesterday she would tell me or ask, “I stay home today.”

Dahni has been at ProAct for 19 years. She is cared about, acknowledged and busy. In all honesty, you and your program are her everything.

She feels valued and is at home. She has fun, She is loved. What more could a mother ask for? Thank you all for being (and hearing this) news from a friend. I want to be put on the newsletter email if possible.

I also would like ASAP the information to set her up in classes. Please reply when you can as this would be one successful hour for her out of 24!
Dian Erickson