Sharing love of reading, animal adventures, Stockholm pie, Robin Hood

Orland Haack thrives on reading mystery and love stories.

To share his passion with others, Haack joined maintenance staff at his Lake City home to construct a Little Free Library out in front.

The Red Wing participant’s miniature library shaped like a house is one of a handful in Lake City where people can drop off or take books without needing to check them out, explains Case Coordinator Gloria Solsaa.

Haack is very delighted with the project and was happy to be featured in his local newspaper.

Animal joys, fur and feathered


Participants always enjoy seeing animals whether it be at DSP Lori Clemens’ farm, or the Minnesota Zoo. Her place is filled with dogs, cats, chickens, and even a donkey and pony. Highlights from the zoo include llamas, bears, sharks, and the tunnels.

ProAct also visited the newly renovated National Eagle Center in Wabasha. Staff and participants learned there are more than 40 different types of eagles in the world.

Pie on Lake Pepin in Stockholm


A Red Wing group enjoyed a trip to Stockholm, Wis. this summer. They had delicious pie cookies at the Stockholm Pie Company and then checked out the local museum and shops. The town is on Lake Pepin, so people spent part of the beautiful day on the lakeshore.

Sidekick Theatre does Robin Hood


The story of Robin Hood was the subject of a musical at Sidekick Theatre this year. Staff said it was an enjoyable show of music and comedy. After the play, a ProAct group ate lunch at a local park.

Doughnut tradition rolls in Cannon


Hi Quality Bakery in Cannon Falls welcomes some regular doughnut connoisseurs from ProAct.