Participants and staff from ProAct in Red Wing took in the grounds at Anderson Center, a place filled with sculptures...
Tag: Cannon Falls
Sharing love of reading, animal adventures, Stockholm pie, Robin Hood
Orland Haack thrives on reading mystery and love stories. To share his passion with others, Haack joined maintenance staff at...
Race car visit, RAD Zoo, musicians return, more in Red Wing
A family connection rolled into ProAct in Red Wing for a race car visit. Colin Wittenberg, son of ProAct Case...
From farm fun to cleanup, ‘the Shoe’ 100th boots, Red Wing engages community
“Breakfast on the Farm” has been an annual tradition. People from ProAct rode on rangers from their bus to the...
Finding jobs, living on his own, with a little help
Drawing from a decade of training and experiences with ProAct in Red Wing, Adam Dolezal is exploring the next chapters...
Donations, park lunches, bakery orders in Red Wing
Staff and participants brought unneeded items to the Red Wing Salvation Army. Participants bring them to the back door as...
Red Wing update
A second ProAct work crew was added recently at Bic Graphic in Red Wing to do de-bagging work, packaging and...