‘Hudson Hot Air Affair’ goes inside for participants

The big event in Hudson, Wis. happens in February, as the Hudson Hot Air Affair floats in for frosted views of the St. Croix River via hot air balloons. ProAct in that same city took hold of the theme and made it their own.

Participants created their own hot air balloon models with personal photos inside and visual showing their passions up top. The idea was the brainchild of direct service professional Tia Field.

“I’ve always been somebody who likes creating her own thing . . . keeping everyone involved,” said Field. All but two of the 21 participants got involved, with some creating hot air balloon crafts for others who were gone that day.

On Fridays, “Bo,” a middle-aged black lab gets in on the action. Seeking people out, he wants to be petted. “He’ll go from person to person until he’s worked the entire room,” said Program Coordinator Margaret Christensen.