Day Support Services (DSS) provide work opportunities in the community and in center.
Customized Employment matches the right person to the right job. With professional employment specialists who are ACRE certified, ProAct offers Discovery Assessment and connects job seekers with employers based on tasks, skills and needs. A business needs analysis is performed to determine a productive employment path and ProAct provides detailed reporting and ongoing communication.
Extended Employment (EE) provides supported, community and center-based employment.
Employment Training Services (ETS) has pre-vocational services that are designed to prepare individuals for employment, equipped with good work habits and effective interpersonal and problem solving skills.
Supported Employment Services (SES) includes both individual and group options in the community.
Our Employment Department offers multiple services, which include:
Pre-employment assessments
Job search
Job coaching
Job tryouts
On the job training
Long term support
As advisors and researchers, members of the ProAct Employment team examine elements in the equation of a successful employee and employer matchup. Personal interviews and observations of tasks, skills and interests in several work environments provide information for an objective analysis. The team works as a cohesive unit to find the best solution for each individual’s career interests, and the opportunities that are available.
Job candidates add value to the organizations that employ them. Companies and organizations that hire people with disabilities are able to show a commitment to workplace diversity and build community awareness about the value of such individuals in the workforce.
Additionally, there are potential tax incentives that provide an additional benefit to employers.