From the President

It is always gratifying to contribute to the success and satisfaction of the people we serve. It is one of the reasons many of us chose to work in this field. Sharing a few of the examples of success through our newsletters is a way to give you an idea of what we are doing.

We realize that we are only part of an effort by many to support the accomplishments of our participants, and that they are at the very core of successful outcomes. I believe that when they are at the center of choosing their desired outcomes, it increases the chances for success and satisfaction.

People are at different points in their lives, with different expectations, and all of us are unique. That is partially why we shouldn’t assume everyone wants the same outcomes. A “one size fits all” approach isn’t reasonable. I think we should try to meet people where they are at and do our best to tailor our services to support the accomplishment of their individual plans. We also need to be flexible in delivering services, because people and situations frequently change. Life is dynamic in nature.

We are committed to offering a wide array of services based on the needs of our participants, and key stakeholders, while continuing to evolve and embrace change. Thank you for your continued support.

[This column first appeared in ProAct’s People Achieving newsletter. To join our mailing list, please contact Melinda Lien.]