Do April showers really bring May flowers? Red Wing participants and staff hope so – and with all this rain they should have some beautiful flowers. Even with the weather, it was a great month in Red Wing.
New classes began in April. Staff said “History of Presidents” has been a big hit with the participants who love to learn about history. Woodworking was also new. Participants started making letter blocks with some sanding, painting and then stenciling.
The group expected to have some good projects when it’s over. A gardening class was added as well. Participants decided to plant a lot of flowers and different vegetables. With the weather they were not able to get outside to the garden but started growing some things inside in pots. The hope is to be able to get some vegetables to try this summer.
Community activities open up as pandemic subsides
After a cold winter, Red Wing participants are finally getting back out and about. In April they went to a movie theater to watch “Sing 2” and were even able to go bowling again. Other trips included a visit to Kwik Trip for donuts and a ride to the Cannon Falls bakery.
People missed going to the bakery and eating inside. The Cannon Falls bakery is one of their favorite places to go, as the people are very kind there. Staff and participants have been taking shopping trips to Walmart. They purchase snack cart items when needed, craft supplies and supplies for community outings.