Former board member talks Golf Classic

On the golf course for the ProAct Golf Classic, Ken Koch and his group are the guys in blue, green, white or red, but they always match.

Koch, an IT professional, has been involved with ProAct since the days of the Owobopte name in the 1990s. He served on its board and has been on the ProAct Golf Classic committee many times.

“It’s about the mission and the well-run nature of the event itself,” said Koch. The Southview Country Club venue and “best ball” format draw competitive and casual golfers who also have many opportunities to win, he said.

“It’s a nice course. They’ve treated us well out there and it’s challenging without being too difficult for people who maybe golf once or twice a year.” As to the outfits, Koch said others have copied their idea, and he’s flattered.

What: An 18-hole scramble start tournament with lunch, gourmet dinner, games, cart, auctions, raffle and more. Where: Southview Country Club, West St. Paul
When: Monday, August 26, 10:45 a.m to 7 p.m., shotgun start at 12 p.m.
Why: For fun, camaraderie and to support people with disabilities.
How: Sign up at, $150 per golfer, dinner alone is $35, sponsorships available.