It snows, they go to Lowe’s, Shakopee rolls out many celebratory days

As snow arrived in November, ProAct in Shakopee continued to engage in the community with a trip to Lowe’s, explains Senior Program Manager Ali Brown.

Back in center participants and staff were busy with “National Pickle Day,” where the cooking class made pickle roll ups. Direct service professional (DSP) Lotta Facente held a small painting class featuring turkeys.

On another busy day, participants shared PEACE stickers for “World Peace Day” on a date shared with “Take a Hike Day.” Brown said they were unable to take an actual hike, but there were a lot of discussions on where, why and what does one wear when going on a hike. “Now why do we have ‘Take a Hike Day’ in November?”

Upcoming celebrations of note include “Mickey Mouse Day,” where participants and staff will sport Disney gear and sip on hot apple cider at lunch. “World Hello Day,” and “Go for a Ride Day” will prompt some goofing off, said Brown. And, bingo, fall tattoos and pie over lunch were on the docket with the new Christmas Story movie to follow.